Discovery Gospel Choir


Non-Profit // Ireland

What We Did

Identity Design. Visual Language. UX/UI Design.

A bold and expressive identity for Ireland’s most diverse & inclusive choir.

Despite being Ireland’s leading intercultural choir, Discovery Gospel Choir was lacking a compelling and unified way of expressing its distinct identity and experience. In celebration of 15 years, we worked to evolve and develop the Discovery branding and visual identity system.

Discovery Gospel Choir Brand System
Discovery Gospel Choir Brand System

Founded in 2004, Discovery is Ireland’s leading intercultural choir. They have performed with some of the world’s greatest artists among whom are Stevie Wonder, Imelda May & Sinead O’Connor.

Zarura has also entirely transformed our branding, with real consideration for the meaning and message of the choir. They have a deep understanding and appreciation of what Discovery is trying to achieve.

Nessa Darcy  | Workshops Co-ordinator | Discovery Gospel Choir

Discovery Gospel Choir | African Brands | John Murinye
Discovery Gospel Choir | African Brands | John Murinye

Visual System: Before

Discovery Gospel Choir | African Brands | John Murinye

Visual System: After

Discovery Gospel Choir | African Brands | John Murinye
African Owned Brands | Discovery Gospel Choir | African Brands | John Murinye
Discovery Gospel Choir | African Brands | John Murinye
Discovery Gospel Choir | African Brands | John Murinye

Defining and encapsulating a truly rich and diverse brand like Discovery can be incredibly difficult. There is the temptation to capture every cultural nuance represented, yet this approach would only make the brand less approachable and deeply convoluted.

The solution was rather the very opposite — find the essence of the brand and let that draw in the audience into a wider and deeper understanding of the brand. The intense contrast between the warm and cool colours, using hard edged colours, reflect people with stark differences coming together and finding harmony.

Discovery Gospel Choir | African Brands | John Murinye
Discovery Gospel Choir | African Brands | John Murinye